Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where you can not own and enjoy land & property you fairly acquired, you can not be living free!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trenton to Amsterdam

My search for personal freedom, to see exactly where it exists in the current day, has brought me from east coast to midwest in 2008. 2009 was as well an adventure as we climbed over the continental divide to the western shores of the United States. 2010 had us more in Texas than any other State. However, by the end of 2010 we returned east only to safely board my dogs and climb on a plane to Brussels.

After my visit I returned only to make better preperations to spend time in The Netherlands for 2011.

Could it be that personal freedom has been lost somewhere in the politics of American Government? Will I find it alive and well in Europe? Only time will tell!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lonegan looses to Christie... So what's next?

On Tuesday the voters selected Chris Christie to represent the Republican ticket and Jon Corzine to represent the Democrats. I am sure we have not heard the last of Mayor Steve Lonegan. His message remains important, and still deserves the "light of day."

I am interested in seeing the actual certified numbers of votes each republican candidate received on Tuesday?

This will tell a better story than what is out there today.

In the meantime, should Mayor Steve consider an Independent run at the top job in New Jersey come November? Could he? We will just have to take a breath and see.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lonegan On Tuesday & Again in November

I make this decision fairly easy. I have met Mayor Steve Lonegan a few times over the last two years. I have always liked him because he is upfront and very straight forward. He has a proven public service record as three term Mayor of Bagota.

He has worked hard towards the benefit of New Jersey Tax payers when he led Americans For Prosperity's New Jersey chapter.

He has articulated a solid plan for the State, that I believe deserves the "Light of Day!"

He is right on with eminent domain abuse and will end it once elected.

I like him, I trust him and I recommend he be voted in as the republican candidate to defeat Jon Corzine this November.

This Tuesday is Primary Election Day. Vote for Mayor Steve Lonegan as the Republican Candidate for NJ GOV!

God Bless you Steve...
Rev. Kevin Brown

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Steve Lonegan closes gap with Former US Attorney for GOP Primary in NJ

If you missed any part of last night's GOP debate on 101.5 FM click on the link to listen in

Current event:

Lonegan to Debate Christie Today 4:00 pm WOR 710 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009

Eminent Domain Abuse still harming Lighthouse Mission & Rev. Brown in Long Branch, New Jersey.

Here I am one year after Mayor Adam Schnieder's council/redevelopment team had us evicted from our church owned property located at 162 Broadway in Long Branch. The eminent domain taking was for The Katz Family owned Siperstien's Paints development plan for our block. Over 50 properties were envolved in this plan, 40% already owned by the Katz Family.

Apparently Larry & Todd (his son) couldn't acquire them all through normal market land purchases, so they had their buddy, Mayor Adam Schneider, declare the area "needing redevelopment." In doing so, they benefitted by the spoiled legislation enacted previously in the 70's and early 90's by State Government, where emenent domain became abusive and caused a redefinition of "public use" (schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, government facilities) - to "public purpose."

The public purpose here, is to re zone, increase density & extract greater property tax revenues for local government. While the designated development "partner" makes a ton of private profit!

The State legislature has said the statutes are in need of correction so as to better serve those property owners who are being abused in this flawed process. I being one of the abused.

A year ago the city told Judge Lawson, that they needed to have us removed by court order because they had to break ground by year end 2008. The Judge gave me 5 hours to vacate, all while a challenge of the action was on appeal in a higher court! The appeal has been briefed - yet not argued as I write this. I am reduced to being economically destroyed as the building taken was the sole source of revenue for the mission. Without revenue no one makes it. In addition, because the building was three parts within, I lost my home and have been living in a travel trailer for close to a year.

To date The Katz plan, known as Broadway Arts Center, has yet to "break ground." Recently a local official admitted that it would most likely be years into the future before Broadway Arts picks up the ball and starts running with it!"

Does any one else see how wrong this is?

When will the State actually fix the statutes and begin to undo the damage done to private property owners in New Jersey? How do you make right what was so obviously wrong when it occurred? I am happy to see the beach front residencial owners known as MTOTSA appear to have stopped the abuse against themselves, but what about the ones who have fallen through the cracks?

May God be merciful and grant justice.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tonight's Debate

Did you watch tonight's debate. If you missed it, you missed a great performance. Steve clearly and cogently explained his positions, how they differed from Chris Christie's and turned several 'hit' questions back on the questioner.

You can catch the second debate on Monday 5/18 at 1PM on WPVI channel 6.

You can catch the replay of this debate on