Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jon Corzine just doesn't get it...

Let's face it, all of them in government are missing the boat big time when they are increasing taxes in this economic crisis. The reason we are at critical mass, on the brink of deeper recession is because government is too big and costing too much. Any elected official proposing higher property taxes, increased income taxes, new taxes on other items needs to be thrown out of office! You want to stimulate the economy, leave more disposable income in the hands of those who "earn" it. Funny side bar to this whole mess is the taxation of taxed dollars. Everything you buy, you buy with dollars left you after taxes. I like many New Jersey residents are sick and tired of expensive government. Is it no wonder that New Jersey is the leading eminent domain abuse state. The government realizes they need to take land away from people so they can increase density raise rateables and tax more. Any candidate looking to fill Corzine's shoes at the next election needs to stop spending, by closing down all areas of government that serve little necessary services, if any at all. Do we really need all the duplicity. State, County & 566 local governments???

I think not. Local committees, councils, elders... you want them... fine, then let them cost nothing. These should be sincere capable people who are ready to be servants of the public good, not career paid employees of the public debt.

New Jersey needs to lead the way, much of the revolutionary was was fought right here in New Jersey, we need to show those who wish to serve in elected capacity we have had enough.

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