Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party - Tomorrow Trenton Statehouse - Lonegon To Attend!

The Boston Tea Party was a trigger event in the revolution against England which brought about the war for American Independence against despotic government. Taxation without representation was the outcry of the people back then.

Isn't it ironic that today's tax burden has been brought about by creative tax & use programs developed by our representatives... The question of representation is a big one these days. The climate across New Jersey is far from "bliss" as many are struggling under the extreme burden of property taxes as a result of education, the main culprit! Add to that, size of government and all the little municipal pockets (over 600) in the tiny state, and you have a price ticket for running a state that is so high, that no matter who is leading it, there is no real end in sight.

State, county and municipal elected officials as well as administrations and staffs are the cost of government here. Something has to go! Either funding for public schools from property taxation or an arm of NJ Government!

It's not the tea tax, that has New Jersey residents up in arms in 2009. It's "government". One positive note about tomorrow's demonstration is that Gov candidate Steve Lonegon is scheduled to speak to those attending at 3 PM!

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