Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The District - yesterday, today and tomorrow

Good morning:

I spent the morning looking over the 25 communities that make up the 11 th district. I also checked into the campaigns for State Senate 6years ago. Most specifically the campaign contributions of those who ran. I found it rather interesting that Sean Kean when he first ran to fill the seat of the late Assemblyman Smith, 2003 he spent around $100,000.00. Two years later in 2005 he spent in excess of $350,000.00.

Senator Palaia presently has slightly under $10,000.00 in his campaign account. I noticed his has continual activity. He donates to different charities and non-profits throughout the district.
I think that is a good tact on his part. I am seeing how he has been able to maintain his victories for 18 years.

I wish him well, in his retirement.

I am waiting to see what the recommendations are from the 4 committee's who have been looking for ways to lower taxes. That is a big issue and should not be made too complex. Public service needs to return back to just that, "service for the public" - not high paying jobs for political friends of the elected!

Have a great day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with much of what you say. I was dissapointed to hear that you decided not to run. I hope you consider running in Long Branch at the next opportunity.

We are just getting to realize that you are a good candidate, and that those that have slung mud at you, were liars, cheaters and thieves.

Good Luck.