Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

Greetings: I apologize for the few days I didn't write. I was overwhelmed with the holiday. During the Thanksgiving weekend I realized just how serious the problems of the State are. Tax reform is long overdue. What is coming out of Trenton today is too little too late. Iam not going to credit the Republicans for pushing the democratic controlled State Senate & Assembly to action. True the Dems have had controll since 2004, however the last full decade has been abusive to the tax payers of the State. In my book, they are both to blame. I have started telling folks that I am interested in running for the Senate seat in the 11 th district. First question they ask me is "what party?" When I tell them, "neither, I am running independent of both." They look at me, and I see a warm glow in their eyes. I am affirmed that 2007 is the year for undeclared independents to rise up and take some seats in both the Senate and the Assembly. Thats it for now, speak to you all soon. God Bless.

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