On Tuesday the voters selected Chris Christie to represent the Republican ticket and Jon Corzine to represent the Democrats. I am sure we have not heard the last of Mayor Steve Lonegan. His message remains important, and still deserves the "light of day."
I am interested in seeing the actual certified numbers of votes each republican candidate received on Tuesday?
This will tell a better story than what is out there today.
In the meantime, should Mayor Steve consider an Independent run at the top job in New Jersey come November? Could he? We will just have to take a breath and see.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Lonegan On Tuesday & Again in November
I make this decision fairly easy. I have met Mayor Steve Lonegan a few times over the last two years. I have always liked him because he is upfront and very straight forward. He has a proven public service record as three term Mayor of Bagota.
He has worked hard towards the benefit of New Jersey Tax payers when he led Americans For Prosperity's New Jersey chapter.
He has articulated a solid plan for the State, that I believe deserves the "Light of Day!"
He is right on with eminent domain abuse and will end it once elected.
I like him, I trust him and I recommend he be voted in as the republican candidate to defeat Jon Corzine this November.
This Tuesday is Primary Election Day. Vote for Mayor Steve Lonegan as the Republican Candidate for NJ GOV!
God Bless you Steve...
Rev. Kevin Brown
He has worked hard towards the benefit of New Jersey Tax payers when he led Americans For Prosperity's New Jersey chapter.
He has articulated a solid plan for the State, that I believe deserves the "Light of Day!"
He is right on with eminent domain abuse and will end it once elected.
I like him, I trust him and I recommend he be voted in as the republican candidate to defeat Jon Corzine this November.
This Tuesday is Primary Election Day. Vote for Mayor Steve Lonegan as the Republican Candidate for NJ GOV!
God Bless you Steve...
Rev. Kevin Brown
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Steve Lonegan closes gap with Former US Attorney for GOP Primary in NJ
If you missed any part of last night's GOP debate on 101.5 FM click on the link to listen in
Current event:
Lonegan to Debate Christie Today 4:00 pm WOR 710 AM
Current event:
Lonegan to Debate Christie Today 4:00 pm WOR 710 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009
Eminent Domain Abuse still harming Lighthouse Mission & Rev. Brown in Long Branch, New Jersey.

Apparently Larry & Todd (his son) couldn't acquire them all through normal market land purchases, so they had their buddy, Mayor Adam Schneider, declare the area "needing redevelopment." In doing so, they benefitted by the spoiled legislation enacted previously in the 70's and early 90's by State Government, where emenent domain became abusive and caused a redefinition of "public use" (schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, government facilities) - to "public purpose."
The public purpose here, is to re zone, increase density & extract greater property tax revenues for local government. While the designated development "partner" makes a ton of private profit!
The State legislature has said the statutes are in need of correction so as to better serve those property owners who are being abused in this flawed process. I being one of the abused.
A year ago the city told Judge Lawson, that they needed to have us removed by court order because they had to break ground by year end 2008. The Judge gave me 5 hours to vacate, all while a challenge of the action was on appeal in a higher court! The appeal has been briefed - yet not argued as I write this. I am reduced to being economically destroyed as the building taken was the sole source of revenue for the mission. Without revenue no one makes it. In addition, because the building was three parts within, I lost my home and have been living in a travel trailer for close to a year.
To date The Katz plan, known as Broadway Arts Center, has yet to "break ground." Recently a local official admitted that it would most likely be years into the future before Broadway Arts picks up the ball and starts running with it!"
Does any one else see how wrong this is?
When will the State actually fix the statutes and begin to undo the damage done to private property owners in New Jersey? How do you make right what was so obviously wrong when it occurred? I am happy to see the beach front residencial owners known as MTOTSA appear to have stopped the abuse against themselves, but what about the ones who have fallen through the cracks?
May God be merciful and grant justice.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tonight's Debate
Did you watch tonight's debate. If you missed it, you missed a great performance. Steve clearly and cogently explained his positions, how they differed from Chris Christie's and turned several 'hit' questions back on the questioner.
You can catch the second debate on Monday 5/18 at 1PM on WPVI channel 6.
You can catch the replay of this debate on NJN.org
You can catch the second debate on Monday 5/18 at 1PM on WPVI channel 6.
You can catch the replay of this debate on NJN.org
Lonegon V Christie GOP Debate For Party Candidate for NJ Gov
Tonight at 8 p.m. both leading Republican candidates for NJ Govorner will be on TV in an opportunity to win over anti-Corzine voters in New Jersey.
Christopher Cristie is the former federal US Attorney for NJ. During his reign he led a major sting of New Jersey's corrupt elected and appointed officials. Former Councilman John "Fazz" Zambrano (Republican), Long Branch, State Senator John Lynch (Democrate), Monmouth County Tax Chair John Westlake, and many others were convicted.
Steve Lonegon is a former three term Mayor of Bogota New Jersey, and ran the New Jersey Chapter of Americans For Prosperity until declaring his candidacy for Corzine's job.
Tune in tonight...
Christopher Cristie is the former federal US Attorney for NJ. During his reign he led a major sting of New Jersey's corrupt elected and appointed officials. Former Councilman John "Fazz" Zambrano (Republican), Long Branch, State Senator John Lynch (Democrate), Monmouth County Tax Chair John Westlake, and many others were convicted.
Steve Lonegon is a former three term Mayor of Bogota New Jersey, and ran the New Jersey Chapter of Americans For Prosperity until declaring his candidacy for Corzine's job.
Tune in tonight...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Long Branch Sued Again for it's development process...
Broadway- Gateway blight challenged BY KENNY WALTER Staff Writer Alawsuit filed against the city of Long Branch charges that the process used by the city to designate properties as "in need of redevelopment" in the Broadway Gateway redevelopment zone was unconstitutional and should be overturned.
The suit filed in state Superior Court in Freehold April 8 on behalf of lower Broadway property owners seeks to overturn what it alleges is the city's "unconstitutional designation of private property as blighted" and asks for "damages and injunctive relief against the mayor and the council of the city of Long Branch."
Filed by Princeton attorney R. William Potter on behalf of the owners of the property known as the Fuchsia Triangle, in the Broadway-Gateway redevelopment zone, the complaint names the city of Long Branch and the City Council, the city's designated redevelopment authority, as defendants.
Plaintiffs are the Fuschia Triangle Corp., 71 Broadway; Coach Corp., 80 Broadway; and Kevin A. and Adele Fister, principals in the corporations, whom the suit charges have been denied "their lawful right to own, use, enjoy, develop, redevelop or sell their property" in what amounts to the "loss of their property" due to the city's "de facto" condemnation of the commercial properties made up of five contiguous lots bounded by North and South Broadway, Long Branch Av enue and Ocean Boulevard.
"Their property remains 'frozen,' private in name but 'de facto' condemned for future use and without just, or indeed, any compensation," reads the complaint, which asks for a jury trial.
Potter, of Potter and Dickson, said Monday the suit advances two main arguments.
"One, we are filing that the original designation of property was unconstitutional. Two, we are arguing that the long standing failure for the city to use eminent domain resulting in a significant to almost complete loss of value of the property" which "has remained frozen for more then a decade.
"The thrust of the case is to get justice for Kevin and Adele Fister," Potter said.
"They have been trying for years to develop the land in a manner where the city would embrace. We are hoping that this is a wake up call to the city. Not only do we want the city to lift the cloud of the blight designation, now they must compensate for the loss of value."
He continued, "This lawsuit is coming only after extraordinary efforts by the Fisters to find a common ground with the city. We are still open to find a common ground. Fister still has a current proposal to develop the land."
Potter said he expects other legal actions to be filed.
"I expect similar cases to follow," Potter said.
"We are not trying to drain the city's20resources, we are seeking just compensation for the loss of value to the property."
City attorney James Aaron could not be reached for comment Monday. The city has 30 days after being served with the suit in which to respond to the filing.
According to the complaint, the city's unconstitutional actions date to the mid- 1980s with initial efforts to redevelop leading to a preliminary investigation by the Long Branch Planning Board into whether large sections of the city, including the Fuschia Triangle, were blighted under the 1992 Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (LRHL).
The suit claims the city used the terms "area in need of redevelopment" and "redevelopment area" while actually applying standards of "blighted" property or area that were rejected by the New Jersey Supreme Court in a 2007 case, Gallenthin Realty v. Borough of Paulsboro, which Potter successfully argued.
According to the complaint, the city designated the Fuschia Triangle as "in need of redevelopment" making the property and surrounding area subject to the LRHL; using the law to prevent the plaintiffs from developing their own property; to designate another redeveloper and to acquire the property through eminent domain.
However, the complaint states, the city for more than a decade has not exercised the power of eminent domain to acquire the Fuschia Triangle or to pay just compensation nor have any of the city's chosen redevelopers purchased it.
At the20same time, the owners have been subject to property taxes that do not take into account "the extreme loss of value and use" resulting from the city's actions, the complaint states.
Because the property could be subject to eminent domain, the suit argues potential purchasers or developers have been unwilling to invest in the property "despite its prime location … at the gateway to Broadway."
The filing of the legal action comes after the owners have exhaustively pursued alternative courses of action and failed to gain the city's approval of any plans to develop the Fuschia Triangle, the complaint states.
It notes that last July, a Notice of Tort Claim was filed in an effort to receive fair compensation for the "de facto taking" of the property.
"Therefore, this lawsuit seeks to overturn the blight designation of the Fuschia Triangle … and to obtain compensatory and punitive damages … for the inverse condemnation 'taking' of the Fuschia Triangle that has resulted from the city's ongoing pattern and practice of 'freezing' the Fuschia Triangle in place for some ill-defined future use or redevelopment purpose that may never transpire."
As an alternative, the suit asks the court to order the city to purchase the Fuschia Triangle property within 30 days and end the "legal limbo which has prevented the Fisters from making profitable use of their property for more than a decade."
The complaint alleges t hat the unconstitutional process of designating the Fuschia Triangle a redevelopment area dates to August 1995 when the City Council directed the Planning Board to investigate whether the Broadway-Gateway area and other areas met the criteria for designation as redevelopment areas.
In January 1996, the Planning Department issued a Redevelopment Report, and property owners were noticed that there would be a public hearing would be held on Jan. 16. However, the complaint states that the Planning Board failed to inform property owners that designation as 'in need of redevelopment' or 'redevelopment area' were the legal equivalent of declaring the property or the area as blighted and could result in condemnation. Nor did the board explain other consequences including that the city was empowered to designate a person other than the owner to be the redeveloper of the Fuschia Triangle and could prevent the plaintiffs from developing their property.
Because of the failure to explain the consequences of the redevelopment area designation, the complaint argues, "The city failed to provide the constitutionally necessary and sufficient notice of the investigation as mandated by the court" in three 2008 decisions.
The Redevelopment Report concluded that the Oceanfront North and Broadway corridor met the statutory criteria for "areas in need of redevelopment." However, the complaint charges the Redevelopment Report did not provide "the constitutionally required substantive evidence of actual blight of any of the properties" as mandated by the Supreme Court in Gallenthin and recently in Long Branch v. Anzalone.
Specifically, the suit charges the report failed to examine building interiors within the study area to determine if there were any severe structural, safety or health hazards or illegal activity; if the property was uninhabitable or dangerous or abandoned or in a state of disrepair beyond restoration, among other criteria.
"In short, there was no actual, credible or reliable evidence that the plaintiffs' property or the property of any other property owner within the study area was in a condition of blight and part of a blighted area," the complaint states.
"The Redevelopment Report relied upon and employed unconstitutional standards of what is a blighted property or area in that it was not based on objective factual evidence of severe and continuing detriment or harm to other property or the public."
Instead, the report was based on "a contrived and subjective 'rating' system of properties and assumed that any property deemed … to be 'underutilized' by comparison to some assumed future and potentially more profitable use is a sufficient basis … to render the properties blighted in direct contravention of the Supreme Court's enunciation of constitutional standards," the complaint states.
As a result, the Redevelopment Report amounts to "an unreliable and misleading net opinion which cannot form the substantial evidence basis which is required to support a constitutionally sustainable blight designation," the suit argues.
As a result, the board and the city failed to rely on the standard of substantial evidence required to support a redevelopment area or blighted area designation.
Citing the Gallenthin ruling, the complaint notes: "The Supreme Court ruled that the substantial evidence standard is not met if a municipality's decision is supported, as here, by only the net opinion of an expert or consultant."
The council adopted the Planning Board's findings and directed the board to develop a redevelopment plan for the area including the Fuschia Triangle. The council voted to adopt the Oceanfront-Broadway Redevelopment Plan in May 1996.
However, the complaint argues, since the blight designation for the Fuschia Triangle and the Gateway area did not meet standards set forth in the New Jersey Constitution, "it follows that the Redevelopment Plan is null and void and cannot supersede local zoning, nor may the city utilize the Redevelopment Plan to prevent plaintiffs from developing their property."
For the same reasons, the suit states, the city lacked the authority to designate the City Council as the redevelopment agency for the area and the council has "no power to determine who will be the redeveloper of the Fuschia Triangle unless it is the rightful owners."
The complaint also addresses the impact of the city's "inverse condemnation" of the Fuschia Trian gle.
The complaint notes the prolonged delay in the city exercising eminent domain diminished the value of the property. It states that for more than a decade, the city engaged "in a consistent pattern and unlawful practice of delaying action" to acquire the property and of denying the owners the right to develop their property, rejecting numerous redevelopment proposals. At the same time, purchase or lease offers have fallen through due to the "cloud of potential eminent domain that has been hanging over the property since 1996."
The suit seeks a declaratory judgment that the Fuschia Triangle "is not, nor has it ever been, lawfully properly designated as an area in need of redevelopment or blighted." Also, it asks the court to issue preliminary and permanent injunctions directing the city to discontinue and nullify the designation of the property as blighted or in a redevelopment area.
As an alternative, the suit asks the court to order the city to initiate the acquisition of the Fuschia Triangle within no more than 30 days and to empanel a jury to determine the value of the property during the period in which it was taken through inverse condemnation and to assess damages including compensation for the financial losses and pain and suffering experienced by the Fisters.
The suit filed in state Superior Court in Freehold April 8 on behalf of lower Broadway property owners seeks to overturn what it alleges is the city's "unconstitutional designation of private property as blighted" and asks for "damages and injunctive relief against the mayor and the council of the city of Long Branch."
Filed by Princeton attorney R. William Potter on behalf of the owners of the property known as the Fuchsia Triangle, in the Broadway-Gateway redevelopment zone, the complaint names the city of Long Branch and the City Council, the city's designated redevelopment authority, as defendants.
Plaintiffs are the Fuschia Triangle Corp., 71 Broadway; Coach Corp., 80 Broadway; and Kevin A. and Adele Fister, principals in the corporations, whom the suit charges have been denied "their lawful right to own, use, enjoy, develop, redevelop or sell their property" in what amounts to the "loss of their property" due to the city's "de facto" condemnation of the commercial properties made up of five contiguous lots bounded by North and South Broadway, Long Branch Av enue and Ocean Boulevard.
"Their property remains 'frozen,' private in name but 'de facto' condemned for future use and without just, or indeed, any compensation," reads the complaint, which asks for a jury trial.
Potter, of Potter and Dickson, said Monday the suit advances two main arguments.
"One, we are filing that the original designation of property was unconstitutional. Two, we are arguing that the long standing failure for the city to use eminent domain resulting in a significant to almost complete loss of value of the property" which "has remained frozen for more then a decade.
"The thrust of the case is to get justice for Kevin and Adele Fister," Potter said.
"They have been trying for years to develop the land in a manner where the city would embrace. We are hoping that this is a wake up call to the city. Not only do we want the city to lift the cloud of the blight designation, now they must compensate for the loss of value."
He continued, "This lawsuit is coming only after extraordinary efforts by the Fisters to find a common ground with the city. We are still open to find a common ground. Fister still has a current proposal to develop the land."
Potter said he expects other legal actions to be filed.
"I expect similar cases to follow," Potter said.
"We are not trying to drain the city's20resources, we are seeking just compensation for the loss of value to the property."
City attorney James Aaron could not be reached for comment Monday. The city has 30 days after being served with the suit in which to respond to the filing.
According to the complaint, the city's unconstitutional actions date to the mid- 1980s with initial efforts to redevelop leading to a preliminary investigation by the Long Branch Planning Board into whether large sections of the city, including the Fuschia Triangle, were blighted under the 1992 Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (LRHL).
The suit claims the city used the terms "area in need of redevelopment" and "redevelopment area" while actually applying standards of "blighted" property or area that were rejected by the New Jersey Supreme Court in a 2007 case, Gallenthin Realty v. Borough of Paulsboro, which Potter successfully argued.
According to the complaint, the city designated the Fuschia Triangle as "in need of redevelopment" making the property and surrounding area subject to the LRHL; using the law to prevent the plaintiffs from developing their own property; to designate another redeveloper and to acquire the property through eminent domain.
However, the complaint states, the city for more than a decade has not exercised the power of eminent domain to acquire the Fuschia Triangle or to pay just compensation nor have any of the city's chosen redevelopers purchased it.
At the20same time, the owners have been subject to property taxes that do not take into account "the extreme loss of value and use" resulting from the city's actions, the complaint states.
Because the property could be subject to eminent domain, the suit argues potential purchasers or developers have been unwilling to invest in the property "despite its prime location … at the gateway to Broadway."
The filing of the legal action comes after the owners have exhaustively pursued alternative courses of action and failed to gain the city's approval of any plans to develop the Fuschia Triangle, the complaint states.
It notes that last July, a Notice of Tort Claim was filed in an effort to receive fair compensation for the "de facto taking" of the property.
"Therefore, this lawsuit seeks to overturn the blight designation of the Fuschia Triangle … and to obtain compensatory and punitive damages … for the inverse condemnation 'taking' of the Fuschia Triangle that has resulted from the city's ongoing pattern and practice of 'freezing' the Fuschia Triangle in place for some ill-defined future use or redevelopment purpose that may never transpire."
As an alternative, the suit asks the court to order the city to purchase the Fuschia Triangle property within 30 days and end the "legal limbo which has prevented the Fisters from making profitable use of their property for more than a decade."
The complaint alleges t hat the unconstitutional process of designating the Fuschia Triangle a redevelopment area dates to August 1995 when the City Council directed the Planning Board to investigate whether the Broadway-Gateway area and other areas met the criteria for designation as redevelopment areas.
In January 1996, the Planning Department issued a Redevelopment Report, and property owners were noticed that there would be a public hearing would be held on Jan. 16. However, the complaint states that the Planning Board failed to inform property owners that designation as 'in need of redevelopment' or 'redevelopment area' were the legal equivalent of declaring the property or the area as blighted and could result in condemnation. Nor did the board explain other consequences including that the city was empowered to designate a person other than the owner to be the redeveloper of the Fuschia Triangle and could prevent the plaintiffs from developing their property.
Because of the failure to explain the consequences of the redevelopment area designation, the complaint argues, "The city failed to provide the constitutionally necessary and sufficient notice of the investigation as mandated by the court" in three 2008 decisions.
The Redevelopment Report concluded that the Oceanfront North and Broadway corridor met the statutory criteria for "areas in need of redevelopment." However, the complaint charges the Redevelopment Report did not provide "the constitutionally required substantive evidence of actual blight of any of the properties" as mandated by the Supreme Court in Gallenthin and recently in Long Branch v. Anzalone.
Specifically, the suit charges the report failed to examine building interiors within the study area to determine if there were any severe structural, safety or health hazards or illegal activity; if the property was uninhabitable or dangerous or abandoned or in a state of disrepair beyond restoration, among other criteria.
"In short, there was no actual, credible or reliable evidence that the plaintiffs' property or the property of any other property owner within the study area was in a condition of blight and part of a blighted area," the complaint states.
"The Redevelopment Report relied upon and employed unconstitutional standards of what is a blighted property or area in that it was not based on objective factual evidence of severe and continuing detriment or harm to other property or the public."
Instead, the report was based on "a contrived and subjective 'rating' system of properties and assumed that any property deemed … to be 'underutilized' by comparison to some assumed future and potentially more profitable use is a sufficient basis … to render the properties blighted in direct contravention of the Supreme Court's enunciation of constitutional standards," the complaint states.
As a result, the Redevelopment Report amounts to "an unreliable and misleading net opinion which cannot form the substantial evidence basis which is required to support a constitutionally sustainable blight designation," the suit argues.
As a result, the board and the city failed to rely on the standard of substantial evidence required to support a redevelopment area or blighted area designation.
Citing the Gallenthin ruling, the complaint notes: "The Supreme Court ruled that the substantial evidence standard is not met if a municipality's decision is supported, as here, by only the net opinion of an expert or consultant."
The council adopted the Planning Board's findings and directed the board to develop a redevelopment plan for the area including the Fuschia Triangle. The council voted to adopt the Oceanfront-Broadway Redevelopment Plan in May 1996.
However, the complaint argues, since the blight designation for the Fuschia Triangle and the Gateway area did not meet standards set forth in the New Jersey Constitution, "it follows that the Redevelopment Plan is null and void and cannot supersede local zoning, nor may the city utilize the Redevelopment Plan to prevent plaintiffs from developing their property."
For the same reasons, the suit states, the city lacked the authority to designate the City Council as the redevelopment agency for the area and the council has "no power to determine who will be the redeveloper of the Fuschia Triangle unless it is the rightful owners."
The complaint also addresses the impact of the city's "inverse condemnation" of the Fuschia Trian gle.
The complaint notes the prolonged delay in the city exercising eminent domain diminished the value of the property. It states that for more than a decade, the city engaged "in a consistent pattern and unlawful practice of delaying action" to acquire the property and of denying the owners the right to develop their property, rejecting numerous redevelopment proposals. At the same time, purchase or lease offers have fallen through due to the "cloud of potential eminent domain that has been hanging over the property since 1996."
The suit seeks a declaratory judgment that the Fuschia Triangle "is not, nor has it ever been, lawfully properly designated as an area in need of redevelopment or blighted." Also, it asks the court to issue preliminary and permanent injunctions directing the city to discontinue and nullify the designation of the property as blighted or in a redevelopment area.
As an alternative, the suit asks the court to order the city to initiate the acquisition of the Fuschia Triangle within no more than 30 days and to empanel a jury to determine the value of the property during the period in which it was taken through inverse condemnation and to assess damages including compensation for the financial losses and pain and suffering experienced by the Fisters.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tax Day Tea Party - Tomorrow Trenton Statehouse - Lonegon To Attend!
The Boston Tea Party was a trigger event in the revolution against England which brought about the war for American Independence against despotic government. Taxation without representation was the outcry of the people back then.
Isn't it ironic that today's tax burden has been brought about by creative tax & use programs developed by our representatives... The question of representation is a big one these days. The climate across New Jersey is far from "bliss" as many are struggling under the extreme burden of property taxes as a result of education, the main culprit! Add to that, size of government and all the little municipal pockets (over 600) in the tiny state, and you have a price ticket for running a state that is so high, that no matter who is leading it, there is no real end in sight.
State, county and municipal elected officials as well as administrations and staffs are the cost of government here. Something has to go! Either funding for public schools from property taxation or an arm of NJ Government!
It's not the tea tax, that has New Jersey residents up in arms in 2009. It's "government". One positive note about tomorrow's demonstration is that Gov candidate Steve Lonegon is scheduled to speak to those attending at 3 PM!
Isn't it ironic that today's tax burden has been brought about by creative tax & use programs developed by our representatives... The question of representation is a big one these days. The climate across New Jersey is far from "bliss" as many are struggling under the extreme burden of property taxes as a result of education, the main culprit! Add to that, size of government and all the little municipal pockets (over 600) in the tiny state, and you have a price ticket for running a state that is so high, that no matter who is leading it, there is no real end in sight.
State, county and municipal elected officials as well as administrations and staffs are the cost of government here. Something has to go! Either funding for public schools from property taxation or an arm of NJ Government!
It's not the tea tax, that has New Jersey residents up in arms in 2009. It's "government". One positive note about tomorrow's demonstration is that Gov candidate Steve Lonegon is scheduled to speak to those attending at 3 PM!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Eminent Domain Abuse - Alive & Well in New Jersey
"Not For Sale!" - That was our exclamation from 2002 till now, but unfortunately when it comes to forced sale in designated redevelopment areas in the New Jersey city of Long Branch, you might as well say; "take whatever you want from me, and don't compensate me!"
Our church owned building once was 162 Broadway in the depressed downtown area of Long Branch. We bought it in 1994 when the downtown area was really "needy." So needy, that the only folks congregating there were "needy." Perfect place for a church run for 'Needy people." We took on the enormous undertaking in a political community with meager funds and a whole bunch of faith in God Almighty. We never lost the faith, we just lost the building. I have expressed much of the facts previously and made it pretty clear that the New Jersey statutes make property worthless, when a local government decides to take it from you.
Friday, in a court of law we had another go around with the funds the city had to place on deposit when they filed their affadavit of taking last May 2008. We seem to be finally over the hurdles in the county court, we had to prematurely and with no way to negotiate payments of our debts, pay off all the liens on the property. Now that everyone has their money, one would expect we would get ours. Especially when the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution tells us all, Just compensation shall be paid when you and before you use eminent domain.
Well the city took possession of title May 29, 2008. The transferred it over to the designated developer shortly there after... so they have what they wanted - even though it was against our will! Yet we still do not have a replacement property, nor the money the city gave to the State at that time. The State has it and will most likely keep it even longer as we now have to apply to the State Treasurer for our money. What can I say, we are virtually "out of business" with no continued support or revenue since we were made to leave the building we occupied close to a year ago. This is as close to hell, as I would have ever expected to experience while a Christian minister and on the earth.
I don't mean to cry too much here, I know there are people out there in worse situations and circumstances than we, even me. Yet, I expected the american way of life to be honored and the intent of the founding fathers of this once Great Nation, to be some type of plumb line in all matters pertaining to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and right to own land. Add to that the right for the church to exist free of government interference!
God have mercy.
Our church owned building once was 162 Broadway in the depressed downtown area of Long Branch. We bought it in 1994 when the downtown area was really "needy." So needy, that the only folks congregating there were "needy." Perfect place for a church run for 'Needy people." We took on the enormous undertaking in a political community with meager funds and a whole bunch of faith in God Almighty. We never lost the faith, we just lost the building. I have expressed much of the facts previously and made it pretty clear that the New Jersey statutes make property worthless, when a local government decides to take it from you.
Friday, in a court of law we had another go around with the funds the city had to place on deposit when they filed their affadavit of taking last May 2008. We seem to be finally over the hurdles in the county court, we had to prematurely and with no way to negotiate payments of our debts, pay off all the liens on the property. Now that everyone has their money, one would expect we would get ours. Especially when the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution tells us all, Just compensation shall be paid when you and before you use eminent domain.
Well the city took possession of title May 29, 2008. The transferred it over to the designated developer shortly there after... so they have what they wanted - even though it was against our will! Yet we still do not have a replacement property, nor the money the city gave to the State at that time. The State has it and will most likely keep it even longer as we now have to apply to the State Treasurer for our money. What can I say, we are virtually "out of business" with no continued support or revenue since we were made to leave the building we occupied close to a year ago. This is as close to hell, as I would have ever expected to experience while a Christian minister and on the earth.
I don't mean to cry too much here, I know there are people out there in worse situations and circumstances than we, even me. Yet, I expected the american way of life to be honored and the intent of the founding fathers of this once Great Nation, to be some type of plumb line in all matters pertaining to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and right to own land. Add to that the right for the church to exist free of government interference!
God have mercy.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Christie on 101.5 FM - March 19
I tuned into 101.5 today to hear Mr. Christie. I make it no secret that out of the 2 leading Republican candidates I favored Mayor Steve Lonegon. I met Steve a few times. I even worked on some americans for prosperity campaigns in the past. Most of all I like what Steve has had to say.
Like one of the two hosts on the broadcast I went in leaning to one side strongly. Listening to Chris, and hearing for the first time many things about him I have come away with a better picture of who Chris Christie is, beyond the obvious law enforcement side.
New Jersey needs to remove Corzine!
New Jersey deserves the best government in the world!
As much as I like Chris, I also like Steve... however for the most part Steve has done what NJ needs done in his Executive capacity as Mayor for 12 years. New Jersey also needs to advance the war against corruption as I believe it is a major cost factor in our tax problems...
2009 will be the first time we elect a Lt. Gov along with Governor and a full assembly!
New Jersey deserves the best and someone needs to bump both Steve & Chris "top side of the head." If they run against each other they may give Corzine what he is hoping for, "splitsville" in the opposition.
I am proposing the team of Lonegon & Christie. I would expect Christie to humbly seat himself as Lt. winning by a landslide on the Lonegon/Christie ticket, and in 8 years step up to Gov. This would insure all New Jersey 16 years of a return to stability, profitability and smooth sailing. As long as they stay focused and do what they say they will.
Someone other than me needs to blow a horn!!!
Like one of the two hosts on the broadcast I went in leaning to one side strongly. Listening to Chris, and hearing for the first time many things about him I have come away with a better picture of who Chris Christie is, beyond the obvious law enforcement side.
New Jersey needs to remove Corzine!
New Jersey deserves the best government in the world!
As much as I like Chris, I also like Steve... however for the most part Steve has done what NJ needs done in his Executive capacity as Mayor for 12 years. New Jersey also needs to advance the war against corruption as I believe it is a major cost factor in our tax problems...
2009 will be the first time we elect a Lt. Gov along with Governor and a full assembly!
New Jersey deserves the best and someone needs to bump both Steve & Chris "top side of the head." If they run against each other they may give Corzine what he is hoping for, "splitsville" in the opposition.
I am proposing the team of Lonegon & Christie. I would expect Christie to humbly seat himself as Lt. winning by a landslide on the Lonegon/Christie ticket, and in 8 years step up to Gov. This would insure all New Jersey 16 years of a return to stability, profitability and smooth sailing. As long as they stay focused and do what they say they will.
Someone other than me needs to blow a horn!!!
Lt. Gov New Jersey Elections Taxes
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Jon Corzine just doesn't get it...
Let's face it, all of them in government are missing the boat big time when they are increasing taxes in this economic crisis. The reason we are at critical mass, on the brink of deeper recession is because government is too big and costing too much. Any elected official proposing higher property taxes, increased income taxes, new taxes on other items needs to be thrown out of office! You want to stimulate the economy, leave more disposable income in the hands of those who "earn" it. Funny side bar to this whole mess is the taxation of taxed dollars. Everything you buy, you buy with dollars left you after taxes. I like many New Jersey residents are sick and tired of expensive government. Is it no wonder that New Jersey is the leading eminent domain abuse state. The government realizes they need to take land away from people so they can increase density raise rateables and tax more. Any candidate looking to fill Corzine's shoes at the next election needs to stop spending, by closing down all areas of government that serve little necessary services, if any at all. Do we really need all the duplicity. State, County & 566 local governments???
I think not. Local committees, councils, elders... you want them... fine, then let them cost nothing. These should be sincere capable people who are ready to be servants of the public good, not career paid employees of the public debt.
New Jersey needs to lead the way, much of the revolutionary was was fought right here in New Jersey, we need to show those who wish to serve in elected capacity we have had enough.
I think not. Local committees, councils, elders... you want them... fine, then let them cost nothing. These should be sincere capable people who are ready to be servants of the public good, not career paid employees of the public debt.
New Jersey needs to lead the way, much of the revolutionary was was fought right here in New Jersey, we need to show those who wish to serve in elected capacity we have had enough.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Jesus The Prophet
Last week's chronicle talked about Jesus: the real Apostle. This week I want to add that He is also the real Prophet.
There is no place in the Bible that says that the ministry of the prophet was to cease (Heb. 13:8), but that it would operate "till" the Church comes to maturity and the Glorious Church is presented unto Jesus her Husband (Eph. 4:11-16; 5:27). The evil religious tradition of cessassionism thwarts this prophetic purpose-true theocratic order strikes the very heart of denominationalism and democratic church government.
The Greek word for "PROPHET" is prophetes, and it means, "a foreteller, an inspired speaker; one who speaks forth openly, one who speaks for another; the open proclaimer of a divine message; an interpreter of oracles or of other hidden things."
A prophet is God's MOUTHPIECE, His spokesman. Prophets are the eyes of the Church, vocalizing, articulating, and revealing the mind, word, and will of God to men.
Deuteronomy 18:18, KJV I will raise them up a PROPHET from among their brethren, like unto THEE (Moses), and will put My words in His mouth; and HE (Jesus the Messiah) shall speak unto them all that I shall command Him.
Acts 3:22-23, KJV For MOSES truly said unto the fathers, a PROPHET shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto Me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever He shall say unto you.every soul, which will not hear that PROPHET (Jesus), shall be destroyed from among the people (cp. Acts 7:37).
Matthew 21:11, KJV And the multitude said, This is Jesus the PROPHET of Nazareth of Galilee (compare Jn. 4:19; 7:40).
Jesus is the real Prophet-He is the very Word of God (Jn. 1:1,14). Jesus spoke only the words of His Father (Jn. 5:19-20; 12:49; 14:10,24; 17:8), and moved in the ministry of prediction (Lk. 11:49; Matt. 24).
Jesus is the consummate New Testament pattern Prophet, and personifies each of the fivefold ministries (Eph. 4:8-11). Moses was the Old Testament mediator (Jn. 1:17; Gal. 3:19); Jesus, the Prophet like Moses, mediated the New Testament (1 Tim. 2:5). Whoever would not obey the words of "that prophet" (Jesus) would be "destroyed." He who has the Son has life; He who ignores the prophetic Son has no life (1 Jn. 5:12).
Have you heard the voice of the Spirit of God in your spirit? Are you among those who hear and obey His voice (Jn. 10:3-5,16,27; 18:37; Heb. 3:15)? Does Jesus the Prophet speak into your life? Is He, is His Word, alive in your heart and mind?
FURTHER RESOURCE: The Golden Candlestick (the Gifts of the Spirit) in my book, The Tabernacle is Jesus, Volume Two, available at http://www.kvmonlinestore.org/.
Last week's chronicle talked about Jesus: the real Apostle. This week I want to add that He is also the real Prophet.
There is no place in the Bible that says that the ministry of the prophet was to cease (Heb. 13:8), but that it would operate "till" the Church comes to maturity and the Glorious Church is presented unto Jesus her Husband (Eph. 4:11-16; 5:27). The evil religious tradition of cessassionism thwarts this prophetic purpose-true theocratic order strikes the very heart of denominationalism and democratic church government.
The Greek word for "PROPHET" is prophetes, and it means, "a foreteller, an inspired speaker; one who speaks forth openly, one who speaks for another; the open proclaimer of a divine message; an interpreter of oracles or of other hidden things."
A prophet is God's MOUTHPIECE, His spokesman. Prophets are the eyes of the Church, vocalizing, articulating, and revealing the mind, word, and will of God to men.
Deuteronomy 18:18, KJV I will raise them up a PROPHET from among their brethren, like unto THEE (Moses), and will put My words in His mouth; and HE (Jesus the Messiah) shall speak unto them all that I shall command Him.
Acts 3:22-23, KJV For MOSES truly said unto the fathers, a PROPHET shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto Me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever He shall say unto you.every soul, which will not hear that PROPHET (Jesus), shall be destroyed from among the people (cp. Acts 7:37).
Matthew 21:11, KJV And the multitude said, This is Jesus the PROPHET of Nazareth of Galilee (compare Jn. 4:19; 7:40).
Jesus is the real Prophet-He is the very Word of God (Jn. 1:1,14). Jesus spoke only the words of His Father (Jn. 5:19-20; 12:49; 14:10,24; 17:8), and moved in the ministry of prediction (Lk. 11:49; Matt. 24).
Jesus is the consummate New Testament pattern Prophet, and personifies each of the fivefold ministries (Eph. 4:8-11). Moses was the Old Testament mediator (Jn. 1:17; Gal. 3:19); Jesus, the Prophet like Moses, mediated the New Testament (1 Tim. 2:5). Whoever would not obey the words of "that prophet" (Jesus) would be "destroyed." He who has the Son has life; He who ignores the prophetic Son has no life (1 Jn. 5:12).
Have you heard the voice of the Spirit of God in your spirit? Are you among those who hear and obey His voice (Jn. 10:3-5,16,27; 18:37; Heb. 3:15)? Does Jesus the Prophet speak into your life? Is He, is His Word, alive in your heart and mind?
FURTHER RESOURCE: The Golden Candlestick (the Gifts of the Spirit) in my book, The Tabernacle is Jesus, Volume Two, available at http://www.kvmonlinestore.org/.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Candidates - Update
Chris Christie seems to be a good man, he certainly did a good job as US Attorney of NJ. However, among all those declared, one stands out based on vision and clarity of message alone. Having previously served three terms as Mayor of Bogota, Steve Lonegan has the experience necessary to manage a State. Even though I still have an interest in running as an Independent Candidate, I recognise the obvious "impossibility" of being elected as I am a "nobody" State wide. So I am thinking very rationally here when I suggest keeping your eye and an open ear on Mayor Steve. Perhaps an Independent Lt. Gov can be elected. Perhaps that position is more obtainable. Thinking, thinking, thinking...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Republican Side Show
I have been sitting by watching what is going on between the republican candidates for New Jersey Governor, since former US Attorney Chris Christie formally announced last week. Instead of commenting in a knee jerk reaction on either www.electricnews.com or www.longbranch.net - I just decided to wait and see what develops by weeks end.
You may want to see a message I preached while in Kansas available on The Lighthouse Mission's web site. www.lighthousemission.com
Enjoy your day
Rev. Kevin Brown
You may want to see a message I preached while in Kansas available on The Lighthouse Mission's web site. www.lighthousemission.com
Enjoy your day
Rev. Kevin Brown
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Look Ahead in New Jersey
I am completely disappointed in Jon Corzine. I was watching the early move to run by former Mayor Steve Lonegon. I like Steve, and he did a good job as Mayor of Bagota. It appears that former US Attorney of NJ Chris Christie is as well moving towards the Republican nomination for NJ Governor.
It looks like an opportunity for an Independent Candidate to take the State in the very next election. The State is "broken" and the only way to fix it is to make the kinds of decisions that would "piss off" the very powerful factions needed to be elected.
Here in lies the key to winning at the polls for Governor of New Jersey! Research indicates that approximately 40% of registered voters, vote. Undeclared Independent voters outnumber registered Dems & Republicans in our state. Which means "independents" are the faction a candidate needs.
Working to get "us" out to vote is no easy "project."
However, if these people "rally" in a manner similar to "revolution" the job could get done and a Governor would be elected, who would owe no particular "union", "lobby" or "faction" - making what both "Dems" & "Republicans", call "hard" decisions, simple necessary decisions from a rational and undaunted Governor.
If you agree with me on this important moment in New Jersey history, where spending is out of control, taxes highest in the nation, corruption at every turn... then email me at jerseykev@aol.com -
Am I declaring my candidacy for Governor? We shall see!
It looks like an opportunity for an Independent Candidate to take the State in the very next election. The State is "broken" and the only way to fix it is to make the kinds of decisions that would "piss off" the very powerful factions needed to be elected.
Here in lies the key to winning at the polls for Governor of New Jersey! Research indicates that approximately 40% of registered voters, vote. Undeclared Independent voters outnumber registered Dems & Republicans in our state. Which means "independents" are the faction a candidate needs.
Working to get "us" out to vote is no easy "project."
However, if these people "rally" in a manner similar to "revolution" the job could get done and a Governor would be elected, who would owe no particular "union", "lobby" or "faction" - making what both "Dems" & "Republicans", call "hard" decisions, simple necessary decisions from a rational and undaunted Governor.
If you agree with me on this important moment in New Jersey history, where spending is out of control, taxes highest in the nation, corruption at every turn... then email me at jerseykev@aol.com -
Am I declaring my candidacy for Governor? We shall see!
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